RESULTS: December 2015 Civil Service Professional Level (Paper And Pencil Test) Examination, last name starting with P


The Civil Service Commission administered the CSE-PPT examination in both professional and sub-professional level last December 6, 2015 for the affected examinees in Region 4 and 5; Region 1, 2, NCR and CAR where full suspension was implemented; and Region 3 and ARMM where selected areas are suspended due to the onslaught of Super Typhoon Lando last October 18, 2015

Successful Applicants

Perez Jeneree B Send your congratulations
Perez Jonilyn B Send your congratulations
Perez Keana Marie R Send your congratulations
Perez Lovely F Send your congratulations
Perez Lyen Decker P Send your congratulations
Perez Maria Luisa O Send your congratulations
Perez Mary Aljorie M Send your congratulations
Perez Mayrian P Send your congratulations
Perez Princess D Send your congratulations
Perez Ryan Anthony M Send your congratulations
Perez Shiella Mae T Send your congratulations
Peria Venneson L Send your congratulations
Perilla Darlene M Send your congratulations
Perillo Myleen B Send your congratulations
Perillo Rosmi Ann M Send your congratulations
Perjes Ren Rose S Send your congratulations
Perlas Katherine C Send your congratulations
Pernada Raymond L Send your congratulations
Perocho Frances Ysabel C Send your congratulations
Perreras Ma Theresa C Send your congratulations
Perucho Dalbin B Send your congratulations
Pesigan Mark Anthony Q Send your congratulations
Pestaño Gerald Dg Send your congratulations
Peteros Ma Camille B Send your congratulations
Peteros Rozanne B Send your congratulations
Piad Marco Angelo C Send your congratulations
Piamonte Jericho Joseph P Send your congratulations
Piche Lapurisma B Send your congratulations
Pilapil Eliana M Send your congratulations
Pilar Ma Pilar C Send your congratulations
Pilarta Lysel Dc Send your congratulations
Pilit Marene Jane Kane C Send your congratulations
Pillar Joshua Gericko A Send your congratulations
Pimentel Lucky Boy N Send your congratulations
Pineda Lorraine P Send your congratulations
Pineda Ma Angeline B Send your congratulations
Pineda Thea Luz G Send your congratulations
Piñgol Kimberly Christelle P Send your congratulations
Pinlac Allen M Send your congratulations
Pino Valeren M Send your congratulations
Pinson Klaren Angela F Send your congratulations
Pintucan Kathleen A Send your congratulations
Pinzon Asher Micah L Send your congratulations
Piscasio Emilyn S Send your congratulations
Pisco Nirvanah L Send your congratulations
Pita Michele P Send your congratulations
Pitpit Romel A Send your congratulations
Pizarro Aileen Grace P Send your congratulations
Planas Joseph N Send your congratulations
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